
The Computer is an device that accepts information (in the form of digital data) and manipulate it based on the sequence of any program, software, or instructions that how data is processed.
Complex computers include the means to store data (including the program, which is also a form of data) for some required periods. A program may be ineligible and made in computer hardware (and it is called logic circuitry on the microprocessors) or the computer can be provided different programs (loaded in its storage and then an administrator or user Is started by). Today's computer has both types of programming.

Major Types Of Computers

  • Analog Pc- represents data by measurable quantities.
  • Desktop computer - Personal computer that fits into a desk and is often used for business or gaming.
  • Digital computer - operates as digits with digits.
  • Hybrid Computer - Combines Attributes of Both Analog and Digital Computers.
  • Laptop (notebook) - Easily transported computer that is smaller than a briefcase.
  • Mainframe (large iron) computer - a centralized computer used for mass computing.
  • Micro Computer - Generally known as a PC (personal computer). A single integrated semiconductor chip uses a microprocessor.
  • Minicomputer - An old word for a computer that is smaller than a mainframe and larger than a microcomputer.
  • Netbook - A small and less powerful version of the laptop.
  • Personal computer (PC) - a digital computer used by a person at a time.
  • Smartphone - Mobile telephone designed with an integrated computer.
  • Supercomputer - a top performing computer that operates at extremely high speeds.
  • Tablet computer (tablet PC) - Wireless personal computer with a touch screen.
  • Workstation - a device designed for a single user to accomplish a particular technical/scientific work.

History Of Modern Computer

Most of the modern computer history begins with an analytical engine enforced by Charles Babbage, who follow George Boole mathematical ideas, which were mathematicians, who had earlier said the principles of logic contained in today's digital computer. It's said that Babbage's associate and assistant, Ada Lovelace, has introduced the notions of program loops and subroutine and occasionally it's considered to be the first programmer. In addition to mechanical calculators, the first truly usable computer began with the vacuum tube, which accelerated with the discovery of the transistor which then became embedded in a high number of integrated circuits. In the end, it makes possible the comparatively low-cost individual computer.

Modern computers naturally adhere to the thoughts of the archived program prescribed by John von Neumann in 1945. Basically, the program/application is read by the computer one command at a time; an operation is performed. And the computer then reads the next command.

From the mid-1900s to the present, the advancement of the computer has been divided into five generations. While the year period for each generation varies depending on the source of reference, the most recognized generation line is below.

From 1940 to 1956
The first generation computers were room-shaped machines that used vacuum tubes for circuits and magnetic drums for limited internal storage. These machines used perforated cards for data input and a binary machine code (language). Examples of first-generation computers include ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer), Colossus, IBM 650 and EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer).

1956 to 1963
Second-generation computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, used magnetic tape storage for storage capacity, used BAL (original assembler language) and continued to use punched cards for input. Transistors have gained less power and less heat than vacuum tubes. Examples of second generation computers include IBM 7090, IBM 7094, IBM 1400 and UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer).

1964 to 1971
The third generation computer used IC (integrated circuits) with many transistors and MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) memory. Compared to its predecessors, cheap, cheap and fast, keyboards for input, Monitor and Fortran (Formula Translation) for output, planned programming languages? Like Cobol (Common Business Oriented Language) and C-Language were used. Examples of third-generation computers include IBM 360 and IBM 370 series.

1972 to 2010
The fourth generation computers use integrated circuits and microprocessors with high-level programming languages, including RAM (random access memory), VLSI (very large scale integration),  ROM (read-only memory), and C and C ++ was done. The development and expansion of the World Wide Web and cloud computing (the ability to deliver hosted services using the Internet) has increased computing capabilities significantly during this period. Examples of fourth-generation computers include Apple's Macintosh and IBM's PCs.

2010 and after
Fifth generation computers are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), utilize large scale integrated chips and more than one CPU (processor). Fifth generation computers react to natural language input, solve highly complex problems, make decisions through logical (human-like) logic and use quantum computing and nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing). Fifth generation computers and programs allow many programs (and computers) to work in parallel at the same time with the same problem.

The advent of the Internet, cloud computing, and high bandwidth data transmission enables the program and data to be delivered quickly and efficiently over the network, while the application programs and software make the computer a preferred tool for things like word processing, databases, spreadsheets Are. Presentations, ERP (enterprise resource planning), Simulation, Education, CMS (content management systems), Gaming and Engineering.
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