IAP - Internet Access Provider

IAP (Internet Access Provider) is a company that provides access to the Internet to individuals and other ISP companies. IAP is a type of Internet Service Provider (ISP). (The second main service provided by the ISP is web site creation and virtual hosting.) An IAP has access to equipment and telecommunication lines, which is necessary for POP on the Internet for the geographical area. Large IAPs have their extremely advanced speed leased lines so that they are less dependent on telecom providers and can provide better service to their customers. The largest national and regional ISPs include IBM Global Network, AT&T WorldNet,  MCI, Netcom, UNNET and PSCE.
IAPs also include regional providers such as NEARNet of New England and San Francisco Bay Area BARNet. These include thousands of local providers. In addition, internet users can also get access to online service providers (OSPs) such as America Online.

Large IAPs are connected with each other through MAE (operated by the ISI switching center MCI WorldCom) or similar centers. The arrangements they make to exchange traffic are known as peer agreements. Many extensive lists of IAPs (commonly known as ISPs) are available for web users.
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