Proximity Operator

Proximity operator is a letter or word used to limit search engine results to people who have query keywords in a specific number of words.
PROXIMITY (or NEAR) receives results for words that appear in the resultant pages next to each other within the hit. Typical required distance for this operator is usually down to the search engine defaults.

NOT NEAR (or FAR) is an operator that should not be within the default number of distance of search terms.

FOLLOWED BY or NOT FOLLOWED BY, there are operators who return results for those pages or take out that where a word directly follows the other.

SENTENCE is an operator that the searched words should be within the same sentence.

W(#) is a search operator who gets results for pages with words that are within the specified word distance after the operator, with one digit, for example W (5).

AROUND(#) is an unsupported Google operator indicating how many words can separate the searched words, similarly to W (#).
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