Splog (Spam Blog)

Splog (spam blog) is a fake blog that is designed to promote only affiliated web sites, including skewing search results and artificially promoting traffic. Some spellings are written for those web sites they promote; Others do not have any original content, which is characteristic of theft or nonsense content from authentic web sites. Splogs include a large number of web site links to fool Web crawlers (programs searching for indexing web sites). sploggers add popular search keywords to their pages so that the splog links are turned on in the blog link search results and they are sent as search subscription notifications via email and RSS feeds.
The splog near the blog are almost present, until the new medium of rapid exploitation is realized as a spammer. However, strikes have become more common as attackers have become more sophisticated. Due to automatic attacks, many people in the industry are called "turning points" for the spell. At the end of the year in late 2005, a sponsor used Google micro-system tools, which, together with the blogspot hosting service, Tim Bray of Sun Microsystems is called a "Splogsplosion", to create hundreds: search results And stop the RSS reader and e-mail inbox.

Here's how it was attacked: For the popular keyword, Blogger searched on the blog search engine. The selected people were named after two prominent bloggers, Chris Pirillo and Dave Winer. After this, using a bot to automate the process, splogger made tens of thousands of spogues, listed the selected keywords, and published a text taken directly from Pirillo's and Winer's own sites with a commercial link. People searching for legitimate bloggers sites and those searching for RSS feeds found their results filled with the Spoglog link.

In response to the attack and in the media, Google published a list of some 13,000 space sub-domains. The company also implemented a type of Turing test known as CAPTCHA, to force any organization to create a blog, to prove that it is not actually a human and computer program.
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