Google Maps uses a combination of historical traffic data and real-time data from users to estimate travel times.

Historical traffic data is gathered by analyzing past GPS data from Google Maps users. This data is used to create a model of typical traffic patterns for different times of the day, days of the week, and seasons. This model is then used to estimate travel times for routes at different times.

Real-time data is gathered from users who have the Google Maps app open on their device and have chosen to share their location. This data is used to update the historical traffic model in real-time, taking into account any current traffic incidents or congestion.

Google Maps also uses real-time data from other sources, such as traffic cameras and road sensors, to further improve the accuracy of its travel time estimates.

When a user requests directions on Google Maps, the app uses the historical traffic model and real-time data to estimate the travel time for the chosen route. The app also considers any potential traffic incidents or road closures that may affect the route and will provide alternate routes if necessary.

In addition to estimating travel times, Google Maps also provides live traffic updates, such as alerts for accidents, construction, or other delays, to help users make more informed decisions about their route.

Google Maps also allows users to report traffic incidents, such as accidents or road closures, which can be used to further update the historical traffic model and improve the accuracy of travel time estimates for others.

Overall, Google Maps uses a combination of historical traffic data and real-time data from various sources to provide accurate and up-to-date travel time estimates and traffic updates to users.

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