Robots.txt - SEO

Robots.txt is a file on a website that directs search engine crawlers to which parts of the site should not be accessed by search engine bot programs. Robots.txt is a simple plaintext file, but uses special commands and syntax for webcrawlers. Although not officially standardized, robots.txt is usually followed by all search engines.
Spider program, such as Googlebot, indexes a website using the guidelines set by the site's webmaster. Sometimes a webmaster may have some part of a site not optimized for the search engine, or some parts of websites may be prone to exploitation by spammers, for example, link spam to a page that users Facilitates the generated content (UGC). A webmaster should keep pages hidden from Google Search, blocking the page with a robots.txt file in the top-level folder of the site. Robots.txt is also known as a "Robot Exclusion Protocol" . Indexing spamming content means that the page will not be considered when the PageRank and placement determines the search engine result pages (SERP).

The Nofollow tag is a way to control webcrawler behavior. Nofollow tag prevents crawler from  links within pages to determine PageRank. Webmasters can use nofollow to avoid the penalty for search engine optimization (SEO). To prevent Googlebot from following any links on a given site's page, the webmaster may include a nofollow meta tag in a robots.txt file; To prevent bots from following the different links, they can add rel = "nofollow" to the links themselves.
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