Keyword Density - SEO

The keyword density is the percentage of events on a web page relative to the total word count on that page.
The keyword density was the key factor in determining the search ranking of a page, and the number of times a keyword appears in the content, the more the page will be ranked.

In the earlier years of the Internet, high keyword density meant that a web page would be ranked higher in searches for that keyword. It was believed that if a keyword appears more on a given page, that page will be relevant to the user's search and will be more relevant content. After that argument, naturally, this kind of page should be ranked higher and should appear more on a search engine results page (SERP), so that users can find it more easily.

However, suppression of relevance was only right when the page was written naturally and adapted to the readability and quality of the material. Often, that page ranking method was used by keyword stuffing, which included the use of keyword overuse, quality degradation.

Currently, the search engine reduces the rank of pages that try to exploit keyword stuffing. For (SEO) search engine optimization, the prevalence of a keyword should be balanced because the analysis used to rank the pages is much more sophisticated than once being.

Great attempts are made to prevent invalid content from prominently in search results. A site stemming from both keyword stuffing and low quality writing can be marked as dishonest. A search engine can nominate such a site as part of a poor neighborhood. The best way is to write content for users, not search engines, while using naturally and appropriately valuable keywords.

The keyword density between one and three percent is best for SEO. You can test the keyword density by dividing the total number of words that appear on a word and then multiplied by 100. Keyword phrases should be considered as one word for calculation. Keyword density checking tools are also available.
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  1. SEOQuake
    SEOQuake is one of the most popular SEO toolboxes. It’s an extension that displays an SEO overview of any given page through a toolbar or SERP overlay. It can show the total number of indexed pages, domain age, social shares and external links.
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