
FileZilla is an free and open source file transfer protocol (FTP) software tool that allows users to set up an FTP server to exchange files or connect to other FTP servers. FileZilla traditionally supports File Transfer Protocol on Transport Layer Security (FTPS). Client application for FileZilla is available for all platforms and is free.
Contrary to the commonly chosen alternative form of security in FTP, Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP), FTPS is less firewall-friendly and requires multiple ports to be opened for its operation. For those who have the security requirements of SFTP, first a secondary client was required, but security has been updated to include both options.

FileZilla's Paid Pro Edition offers users the ability to connect with many online storage providers, including WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and File Storage, and Google Cloud Storage.

Setting up a server in FileZilla is easy, although it is only supported on Windows platform. To create a new server site, a user downloads the application, opens it and goes to the file menu. Chooses a site manager in the File menu. Provides a host name, type of FTP protocol, login method, and changes if necessary.
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