TrueView ad

TrueView is a YouTube video ad format that gives viewers the option, the most common of which is the ability to leave the ad after five seconds.
There are four types of TrueView ads:
  • In-stream ads allow audiences to skip the pre-roll ads after five seconds. Sponsors pay only for ads that are seen in their entirety or until 30 seconds have passed. In-stream ads are ideal for short or long video content.
  • In-slate ads allow audiences between advertisers of many sponsors or opt for commercial brakes interpreted through video content. Sponsors pay for advertisements that are selected by the viewer. In-slate ads are convenient for videos that are at least 10 minutes long.
  • In-search ads When YouTube's search is related to the keyword in the search ad, in-search ads appear in YouTube search results. Sponsors pay for ads that the viewer starts to see.
  • In-display ads are legacy formats that appear in YouTube Promoted Video Overlays, Video Suggestions and related videos, and in Google's Click-to-Play format. When viewers like to watch the ad, the sponsor is charged.
According to Google, YouTube's owner, eight out of ten viewers, loves TrueView in other in-stream video ad formats. The company also states that because viewers can opt out of advertisements or select the ads they want to see, the advertiser saves money and reaches more targeted audiences.

According to an online video analysis, news webstite and, abandonment rate for skippable pre-roll ads was 18 percent lower than the rate for those who did not offer that option. The site also said that approximately 50 percent of the viewers would see pre-roll advertising by the end of the advertisement, even if they have the option of leaving the commercial.
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