What is Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors to a given website which leaves the site after viewing only one page. Used for web analytics, often for CRM analysis, this metric helps the website owner to assess the effectiveness of the content. A high bounce rate can either be interpreted to do that the content is not relevant to its target market or that the site is not effectively attracting its target market.
The bounce rate can be measured in one of two ways: either to determine the number of people entering the website, but "bounce" before finding anything other than the entrance page, or determining which visitors only Leave the site after a short time, usually five seconds. .

For bounce rates and single pages for websites, it is calculated separately. The calculation of bounce rate for a single page is divided by the number of visitors coming to that page and then bounced from the total number of visitors to that page. The entire site's bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of visitors who bounce after viewing a page with the total number of visitors to the website. Using both calculations together can help a website owner to compare the effectiveness of a page on the entire site.

Less percentage is considered to be more effective and relevant to the site. High bounce rates are usually classified as more than 70%, but any site or page with a bounce rate greater than 50% may arguably require further research and development. In the case of high bounce rates, site administrators can make many changes in a trial and error fashion, and determine which adjustments in content prove to be more attractive to visitors.

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