
Apple is a major hardware and software company, which is known for its computer series, iPod and innovative marketing strategies for its products.
Introduced in 1984, Macintosh was the first widely used personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). This feature and others - such as a better floppy drive design and a low-cost hard drive that makes data retrieval faster and more reliable - helped Apple gain reputation for innovation, which the company still enjoys is. Apple's headquarters are located in the 1-5 infinite loop in Cupertino, CA. Apple borrowed the name for circular road around its office buildings from programming, where an infinite loop is the word for a code sequence that lacks a functional sequence.

Apple was founded by Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. Jobs and Wozniak were friends at high school, and in 1975, members of The Homebrew Computer Club, now a well-known group where electronics enthusiasts discuss Altair 8800 (the only private computer available at the time) and other technical topics. Wozniak designed his own microcomputer and offered his plans to Hewlett-Packard, where he was working as an engineering intern. After being rejected by HP, Wozniak joined the jobs to create a personal computer with Jobs. That effort started as a tiring operation, but soon succeeded. The pair introduced a relatively modern looking computer in a plastic case in 1977, and in the same year it was included as an Apple computer. By the year 1980 the company had added more than 1000 employees.

After the succession of CEO and Macintosh models, Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 and failed to achieve much success in the market in his absence. The introduction of their colorful iMac (sold in over 6 million units) brought the company back to profit. In 2001, Apple released the first generation iPods and included a media jukebox software called iTunes. Apple started an online media store as part of iTunes, initially selling music for only .99 cents per song. After all, iTunes Store has increased to include video, television shows and music videos.

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