iTunes And ITunes U - Apple

Apple iTunes is a s application for downloading, playing and managing audio and video files. This app provides users easy access to the iTunes Store. Apple released iTunes in 2001. In the beginning, the software provided a media player and Macintosh users a way to manage their digital music collections and sync them with their iPod. In 2003, Apple added the ability to buy music from iTunes Store. Apple released iTunes for Windows in the same year, which helped to adopt iPod widely.
In 2011, Apple integrated iTunes with its iCloud service, which allows users to sync media, app and other data (such as contacts) in many devices. Users must have a user name and password registered with Apple to access iTunes Store, the iTunes App Store and iCloud.

ITunes U - Apple

ITunes U is a section of iTunes music store. Which facilitates educational audio and video files for free download of PCs and mobile devices from universities, museums and public media organizations. ITunes U allows a visitor to find, download and play educational content in the same way that they can manipulate songs, podcasts, television shows and movies. The participating institutes include Stanford, UC Berkeley, Melbourne University, Texas A & M, MIT, Yale, Trinity College Dublin and many more. In the iTunes U Beyond Campus section, programming is done from American Public Media, PBS, Museum of Modern Art and Smithsonian.
To use the service, the user must download and install iTunes on a PC connected to the Internet and then visit the iTunes Store. The user can also go to a participating university related sub-domain like Visitors can then select entire courses or choose individual video or audio recording, ebook or PDF. The content can then be viewed directly on the PC or can be synchronized on the portable media player for mobile learning. Teachers can use the service to upload coursework and lectures for easy distribution on one platform, which students are usually already capable of.

After its introduction, iTunes U has downloaded more than 4 million, Although Apple will issue accurate figures to any of the participating universities and organizations. The introduction of the wireless version of the iTunes Store for iPhones and iPod Touch means that students can now directly download on-demand from connected mobile devices. This ability to access coursework wirelessly, will redefine the paradigm for virtual classes and deliver online learning. Critics say that only large, well-funded institutions such as Stanford, Berkeley or MIT can afford to make courseware digital for mass distribution. The courses available are also coverage during the various courses, depending on how active the trainers are in providing material. The quality of the available courses also largely depends on the preparation and training of individual teachers, In particular to create video for small iPod screens or capture live discussions for syndication.

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